
Stories by Inovaxe

Data Integration

What do you mean by integration?

Everyone talks about integration between systems, but not everyone knows what they actually want and need from integration.

Data Integration

Web Services or File Transfers?

When choosing between using web services or file transfers, it usually comes down to two questions: how often is data sent and how large is that data?

Smart Storage

Integrating with Web Services

Get a (very) quick introduction to integrating manufacturing systems with web services

Smart Storage

Integrating with Files

The first of a short series on how data is integrated between systems, here we touch on sending data by transferring files

Material Handling

The True Costs of Wasted Space

Reducing wasted space isn't simply a nice bonus, but a way to completely revolutionize your manufacturing operation

Material Handling

The Problems with Inventory Inaccuracy

This next post in our series on simple Smart Storage benefits touches on common causes of inventory inaccuracies and how they can be eliminated.

Material Handling

How Smart Storage Saves you Time and Money

The first in a series about simple benefits from Smart Storage, this post discusses how you can realize incredible time savings with Smart Storage...

Material Handling

What is Smart Storage Anyway?

Smart Storage can be a bit of a catch-all phrase, but there are a few features and philosophies that can help you identify it.

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