Getting Started with Smart Storage

Are you ready to realize the game-changing benefits of a Smart Storage System?

As manufacturing processes become more intricate and demand greater efficiency, the need for organized and intelligent storage solutions becomes evident. Enter smart storage systems: a blend of technology and organization, designed to optimize your production line. Here's a guide to set you on the path towards effective smart storage implementation.

1. Deciding on the Components for Smart Storage

Before diving into the specifics, start with a foundational decision: determining which components to store in your smart storage system.

  • Fast-Moving Components: Given their high turnover rate, it's crucial to ensure these parts are readily accessible. Storing such components in the smart storage system ensures they are always on hand when required.

  • Dedicated Product Components: If you consistently manufacture certain products, consider storing all their specific components together. This can streamline the assembly process and reduce search times.

  • Comprehensive Storage: Some manufacturers opt for an all-encompassing approach, storing every component in the smart storage system. While this requires a larger storage solution, it centralizes inventory and can simplify management.

2. Determine Your Use Case

Smart storage systems can cater to a range of manufacturing needs. Identifying the best use case for your operation ensures you harness the full potential of your system.

  • High Volume Kanban: If your operation is built around the Kanban system with a high volume of components, ensure your smart storage is optimized for quick access and easy replenishment.

  • Kit Picking vs. Direct Pulling: Decide on the method of component retrieval. Some operations prefer picking kits – a set of parts pulled together for a specific job. Others might opt for direct pulling, where components are retrieved as needed and integrated directly into the production process.

  • Storage Locations: Consider the logistics of your operation. Can all components be stored directly at the production line? Or do you require additional storage in warehouses or stockrooms? Determine how your smart storage system will interface with these various locations.

3. Collaborate with Your Smart Storage Provider

Every manufacturing setup is unique, which means off-the-shelf solutions might not always be optimal. Collaborate closely with your smart storage provider to tailor the system to your needs.

  • Understand Potential Use Cases: While you know your operation best, smart storage providers have insights into a range of applications and best practices. Leverage their expertise to understand the myriad ways smart storage can benefit you.

  • Customization: From the software interface to the physical layout, work with your provider to customize your system. Whether it's integrating with existing ERP systems or adjusting the storage configuration, ensure the system is molded to serve you best.


Transitioning to a smart storage system is a significant step towards modernizing and optimizing your manufacturing operation. By identifying the right components, clarifying your use case, and working hand-in-hand with your storage provider, you can ensure that your system is both efficient and effective. Remember, it's not just about storing components – it's about simplifying processes, improving accessibility, and propelling your manufacturing into the future. Ready to make the switch? Reach out to experts and take the first step towards a smarter, more organized production environment.

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